3 Day Deepening Immersion

18th - 20th of July 2025

Heal, Transform & Celebrate!

This 3-day Deepening Immersion is for people who have already attended a Initiation Immersion, Couples Immersion or Retreat (in KPG or Europe).

This Immersion will build upon concepts introduced in the Initiation Immersion and is for those who are looking to learn and experience more growth with new exercises, themes, and insights.

There is a deeper power within us when we can connect with our sexual energy and see it as the source of creation. It can heal us, transform us, and help us remember that our bodies are wired for bliss.

This immersion will expand your awareness into the energetic world of Tantra. Recognising you are a sacred temple that is already beautiful as it is.

We will focus on expanding consciousness through: life force activation, meditation, awakening our wild nature, softening the defense mechanisms around our hearts, and diving deeper into the polarities of the masculine and feminine.

Come as you are; singles, couples, all genders, sexual orientation, and ages are welcome.

Watch our introduction video to know
more about our course

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Content and program

Course Content

In this 3 day Immersion we work with the following elements:

Tantra is an ancient practice that aims at creating a deeper, more connected, and fulfilling sense of living. It is based upon seeing sexual energy as the force of creation that we can use for anything. this philosophy forms the foundation for practices of healing and transformation. with these we can heal our bodies, resolved past issues, transform into a higher state of being, and ultimately celebrate all aspects of life!

In this immersion, we will be combining Taoist, Neo-Tantric, and Classical Tantric teachings. Through these we will create a bridge between sexuality, heart, and spirit. This immersion offers transformative practices focused on opening energy channels, releasing emotions, bringing the mind back to presence, activating life force energy ,and connecting deeply to the universal power of the heart. You will experience both individual and group practices to connect deeper to yourself and to others.

Taoist Tantra is an integral part of Chinese Medicine and has been practiced for thousands of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is believed that the human body is a microcosm of the universe and that everything in the universe is interconnected. Taoist Tantra seeks to tap into and harness these universal energies for the purposes of healing and spiritual growth.

In Taoist Tantra the body is seen as a network of meridians or energy channels through which vital life force energy flows. By stimulating these channels through practices such as breathwork, meditation, and energy cultivation, we can balance the flow of energy throughout the body thereby promoting health and wellbeing.

In addition to its role in Chinese Medicine Taoist Tantra also draws from Taoist philosophy which emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature. By aligning ourselves with these natural rhythms and energies we can achieve a greater sense of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment. By integrating the principles of Yin and Yang we can begin to consciously cultivate balance and harmony within ourselves, which will allow us to connect with the universe in a much deeper and more visceral way.

In this immersion you will be guided through Taoist Tantric practices that will teach you how to cultivate sexual life force energy, let it circulate throughout the body, and create a bridge between your sexuality, your heart, and your spirit.

Tantra is about weaving together diverse polarities –  love and presence, masculine and the feminine, movement and stillness – making meditation a crucial component of the tantric path. Like Yin and Yang, or the river and the riverbank, these opposing elements support, guide, and play with, each other in the journey of spiritual growth.

Through Meditation we learn to embody our lessons and experiences, and transform them into inner wisdom. It can also help us to connect to our divine essence and the true nature of reality.

In this immersion you will experience both individual and group meditations through which we can help each other drop into presence and practice the art of surrender by being mirrors for one another. 

Through ritual and ceremony we deepen our spiritual insights and our connection to ourselves. Rituals and ceremonies can help us to break old patterns and cycles and to clear out unwanted energy. They can also help us to create clarity, focus, and intentionality – which can release us from stagnant repetitive cycles.

Our energetic bodies have the tendency to collect excess information and emotions, and rituals are a beautiful way to reset. They can help you to release what doesn’t serve you anymore and create clarity on what you want to bring into your life. By healing – processing and releasing the emotions of the past, we can safely return back to our natural, sensitive state of being.

When we do rituals as a group and set clear intentions together, we can use the supportive, expansive energy of the whole group to amplify our experience and bring us into higher states of consciousness. Through this we can release stuck emotions and energy, and manifest the things we deeply desire.

In our society touch is often related to sexuality. Through this immersion we will expand upon the idea of touch and explore the powerful concept of Sacred Touch. Sacred Touch is that which comes from a place of pure divine intention and presence – the touch itself becomes a sacred offering unto the other. When done with a clear agreement and set boundaries, Sacred Touch can be deeply healing.

There are many different ways that touch can be healing and transformative, and many different qualities that the touch can embody. It can be physical or energetic (non-physical), sexual or non-sexual, loving and caring, or fiery and sensual. We can also use touch with different elements to connect with our innate sensitivity.

The foundations of Sacred Touch are feelings of safety and security. Feeling safe allows us to relax and open – which then allows us to receive, to transform our beliefs, and to connect to Divine energy. In its highest form, Sacred Touch is about remembering that we are Divine Beings, that our body is our temple, and all of what we are – is sacred.

In Sacred Touch we also practice tuning into ourselves without needing to conform to anyone’s expectations. It is very important to be clear on our boundaries and what feels good for us in the moment. By doing so we can awaken and balance our chakras, bring in sensual presence, and connect to our most natural essence.

Breathwork is a very powerful tool used to activate our inner medicine and move stagnant energy within the body. In this immersion we will practice various types of breathwork that focus on healing and releasing, regulating the nervous system, and activating the chakra system. Utilizing Conscious Connected Breath you will be guided on a journey of uncovering deeper layers of the physical, emotional, and energetic body to unlock your potential and restore the natural flow of life force energy.

When you learn to connect the breath in a natural rhythm there is a shift in consciousness. You start to go beyond the rational mind and are able to access isolated parts of yourself in need of healing and care. This gives you the opportunity to gently release the accumulated baggage of tension, emotions, resistance, patterns of the past, and ultimately to restore your natural sense of wholeness and aliveness.

Feeling safe is the foundation of transformation. Expressing our boundaries, fears, and desires in a safe container gives us the opportunity to explore the power of authentic expression. Conscious relating is about letting go of judgments and allowing yourself to express what is alive within you – with openness and acceptance. Building a harmonious relationship between your inner and outer world helps you to feel integrated and comfortable in your own being and with others. In this intensive immersion you will explore how to soften the voice of self-criticism, and give more clarity and fluidity to your own authentic expression.

As humans we are made up of body and spirit – and within each of us is a powerful primordial life force energy that is often misunderstood. Because of the labels of the mind, society, or negative experiences of the past, we often try to tame and push away this part of ourselves. In this immersion we allow these feelings to come to the light and remember that this is a very beautiful, sensitive, and powerful source of energy.

Through this immersion we learn to awaken our natural life force energy, allowing it to expand and flow through every facet our being. When we learn to express our healthy primordial power it opens our potential to reconnect with a healthy flow of life, to move beyond stagnant energy, and to access and embody our inner source of vitality. By awakening and cultivating our life force energy we are able to embody the spiritual teachings of Tantra – of being alive, loving, vital, and present.

In this immersion, we will do exercises designed to bring us back to our sensitive and vital state of being. By linking our primordial life force energy with our adult consciousness we become sources of power and transformation within the world. This connection allows us to go beyond labels, to drop our resistance, and to fully embrace and ride the waves of life.

How it Works?

We will create a safe heart-centered container with the intention to explore Tantra. We are all different, and in the immersion, we invite you to embrace what makes you unique. There is no need to do anything that does not work for you.

There is no sexual union in this immersion. Because we work with polarities, we will balance the number of men and women in this course. It is also possible to work with the same sex.


9:00 - 13:30
Morning Session

16:30 - 19:30/20:30
Afternoon Session

* Times are an estimation. One afternoon will be off.

3-Day Deepening Immersion: The Essence

From this immersion you will take a way

  • A deeper understanding of the energetics of tantra
  • How to connect deeper to your creative sexual life force energy
  • More freedom and a feeling of security in your self expression
  • Coming home into your body by releasing energy that is stuck - especially in the root chakra
  • How to cultivate a healthy inner masculine and inner healthy feminine
  • Awareness of the relationship between masculine and feminine energies inside of yourself and in connection with others
  • Deepening the play of polarities to awaken the magic in life

Watch our testimonial video to know
more about us

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Support System

During the immersion you will be guided by Leonie and 5 dedicated assistants, who will be present to maintain a safe and supportive environment. There will be several Sharing Circles in which Leonie provides gentle, grounded, and sensitive guidance. Using her experience in clinical psychology she offers ways to make sense of personal experiences and how we can fully integrate them into daily life. Through the various sharings we can find lightness in our experiences and recognize that we are not alone on our journey.

After the immersion you have the opportunity to stay connected and supported through future reunions, events and the Living Tantra from the Heart Facebook group.

About Us

Your Facilitator

Tantra From The Heart

Leonie has a heart-based approach to Tantra. She believes that by cultivating a deep and relaxed connection with ourselves, we can then connect to others in an intimate and authentic way.

Leonie Louise

Lead Facilitator

Leonie Louise is an experienced psychologist and has spent nearly a decade studying Tantra, Breathwork, Yoga, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her programs work by integrating the ancient wisdom of the East coupled with the rational logic of the West.

She uses her experience as a therapist to create safe spaces in her retreats for healing and transformation.

For the last several years, Leonie has been facilitating international Tantra and Breathwork retreats, sharing her experience, knowledge, and practices on a global scale.

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The Location




The 3 Day Tantra from the Heart Deepening Immersion will take place in a peaceful corner of the city Cologne, Germany.

Location: Tor 28

Machabäerstraße 28,
50668 Köln

*Pictures are just examples 

Our Testimonies

Price list

3 Day Deepening Immersion

Tantra From The Heart

Pricing Information

545 EUR

Early Bird (limited to 8 Spots)

Limited spaces, sign up on time!


*Daily delicious lunch
*Accommodation is NOT included

Register now

In case of global restriction like the COVID-19 virus or if the required number of participants is not reached, we can make an exception of offering a total refund any time before the start of the immersion. check our terms and conditions .

Prices includes

  • One delicious and healthy lunch each day
  • Understanding of tantric tools to continue your practice after the immersion.
  • A free post-immersion integration session.


*Price does NOT include accommodation for the duration of the immersion.

” I absolutely loved the Tantra course with Leonie!
She helped me open my heart more, accept myself better and others as we are, and guided me to see the beauty that is already all around and within me. I would highly recommend this immersion to everyone. Leonie and her team did an amazing job of creating a safe atmosphere that allowed everyone to grow and come together. I learned an incredible amount in such a short time and am still feeling the effects of my participation from this experience”

Will, USA

Thank you!

Thank you for visiting us and choosing us to be part of your journey. Your support means the world to us. If you have any questions or inquiries about any of our programs please contact us.

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